Session Outline

Geofencing is the usage of a location-aware service to great virtual-zero-trust geofence around your Snowflake account, which allows you to control access and enforce data governance policies based on location of your users. This capability will help you in achieving your data governance, security and compliance goals

Key Takeaways

  • Location aware data governance policies.
  • Enrich Data Governance and Security using security ready to query data sets in Snowflake Marketplace. 
  • Snowflake Integration capabilities with your ecosystems (Identity and GPS providers).
  • Minimize the attack surface while keeping global reach.
  • Zero-Trust Access

Speaker Bio

Fredrik Göransson – Senior Manager, Sales Engineering Nordics | Snowflake
Fredrik Göransson heads up the Nordic division of Sales Engineers at Snowflake. With a long background from cloud platforms and a long career in consulting, Fredrik has worked with innovation and architecture in IT environments and is passionate about innovation, development and building cutting-edge solutions.

October 14 @ 14:30
14:30 — 14:50 (20′)

Day 1 | DO | Data Octagon – Online Programme

Fredrik Göransson – Senior Manager – Sales Engineering Nordics | Snowflake