Session Outline

Seure is a workforce leasing company that operates in the Greater Helsinki area with more than twelve thousand on-demand workers. With this scale there are many opportunities for utilizing data and Advanced Analytics. Kaito and Seure are collaborating to realize these opportunities. Join and hear how we are making advances and tackling interesting problems with various data science approaches from natural language processing to statistical analysis.

Key Takeaways

  • How to optimize the use of workforce, improve processes and ways of working with automation, data, and digital transformation
  • Finding predictability in a highly connected, fast changing environment
  • Securing sustainable human resources management in shortage of manpower


Speaker Bio

Teemu Kaipiainen – Director, Finance, Data & Analytics | Seure Henkilöstöpalvelut Oy

Teemu has over 10 years of experience of finance, data and analytics development from consulting and in-house point view

October 15 @ 12:00
12:00 — 12:20 (20′)

Day 2 | M1 | Applied Innovation & AI Transformation Stage

Data & Analytics | Seure Henkilöstöpalvelut Oy, Teemu Kaipiainen – Director