Session Outline


Key Takeaways



Speaker Bio

Georgios Damaskinos – Machine Learning Engineer | Facebook

Georgios is a machine learning engineer at Facebook London, focusing on natural language processing. He received his Ph.D. from EPFL in September 2020, where he worked under the supervision of Rachid Guerraoui. Before joining EPFL, he received his MEng in Electrical and Computer Engineering from NTUA. His research focuses on distributed machine learning techniques that are privacy-preserving and robust against arbitrary failures (such as adversarial attacks). He is mainly a practitioner but also studies algorithmic tools from a theoretical perspective. His work has led to publications in multiple premier conferences such ICML and AAAI while he has also won several awards including the EPFL Ph.D. fellowship and the best paper award in Middleware 2020. More about Georgios: https://gdamaskinos.com

October 14 @ 13:30
13:30 — 13:50 (20′)

Day 1 | M8 | Machine and Deep Learning Stage

Georgios Damaskinos – Machine Learning Engineer | Facebook